The applicant must meet the following basic conditions:
- be a legal or natural person registered to carry out the activity in the Republic of Slovenia that is the subject of the authorisation procedure,
- must not be in proceedings relating to bankruptcy, liquidation or debt enforcement in accordance with the applicable rules
Training centres in the Republic of Slovenia are authorised by the national safety authority (AŽP).
Applications must be made in writing and may be submitted by registered post or in person to: Javna agencija za železniški promet Republike Slovenije, Kopitarjeva ulica 5, Maribor. The envelope must be marked APPLICATION FOR AUTHORISATION OF AN EXAMINATION CENTRE (VLOGA ZA POOBLASTITEV CENTRA PREVERJANJA).
Applicants submit their application using the Application for designation of an examination centre (“Vloga za določitev centra preverjanja”) form (Form 1). Applicants indicate on the form which programmes of activities of the examination centre they are applying for.
The decision of the safety authority to designate a centre will be based on an assessment of the documentation submitted. The safety authority will designate the examination centres for a fixed period of time if the prescribed conditions are met.
The safety authority shall take a decision on an application for the authorisation of an examination centre for train drivers no later than four months after receipt of a complete application. The safety authority shall notify the applicant no later than one month after receipt of the application that the application is complete or request that the application be completed within a reasonable time.
Pursuant to the Administrative Fees Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 106/10–officially consolidated text, 14/15–ZUUJFO, 84/15–ZZelP-J, 32/16, 30/18–ZKZaš and 189/20–ZFRO; Numbers 1 and 35 of the schedule of fees), an administrative fee of EUR 463.10 is payable for the acquisition (first application) or renewal of an examination centre authorisation, and EUR 177.20 for the amendment or modification of an authorisation. The applicant shall pay the fee upon receipt of the payment order.
The decision of the safety authority may be appealed within 30 days of its notification to the second-instance authority: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Infrastructure–Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo, Langusova ulica 4, 1535 Ljubljana. There is no right of appeal against the Ministry’s decision, but an administrative dispute can be brought.