Javna agencija za železniški
promet Republike Slovenije

Railway vehicle registration

Each railway vehicle receives a numerical identifier–the 12-digit European Vehicle Number (EVN)–at the time of registration, the structure of which is set out in Appendix 6 of Decision (EU) 2018/1614. In the case of new vehicles or changes to an existing EVN, it is possible to reserve a (new) EVN. For a reservation, an application is addressed to the AŽP containing the technical characteristics of the vehicle on the basis of which the EVN can be determined. Applications may be submitted in writing by post or in person (to: Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport–Javna agencija za železniški promet Republike Slovenije, Kopitarjeva ulica 5, Maribor) or by e-mail to gp.azp@azp.si.


Na naši stran uporabljamo piškotke za pravilno delovanje strani in beleženje obiskanosti strani. S strinjanjem nam dovolite uporabo piškotkov.