Javna agencija za železniški
promet Republike Slovenije

Railway vehicle registration

The applicant can be a natural or legal person acting as the keeper of the railway vehicle (i.e. the person who owns the vehicle or has the right to use the vehicle in railway transport and is entered as such in the vehicle register).

In the case of railway vehicles whose area of use is limited to the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and which are registered in the Republic of Slovenia, the procedure is decided by the national safety authority (AŽP). In cases where the area of use covers the territory of EU Member States other than the RS, the keeper of the rail vehicle may choose the country in which to register the vehicle, which means that the procedure is managed by the national safety authority (or registration authority) of the chosen EU Member State.

The entry or changes to the registration data shall be made on the basis of an application, which shall be made on the standard e-form for registration (>>> word; >>> pdf) as set out in Appendix 4 of Decision (EU) 2018/1614 and shall be used in the case of:

  • new registrations,*
  • EVN changes,*
  • data updates,
  • changes to the registration status.

Applications must be made in writing and may be submitted by post or in person to: Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport–Javna agencija za železniški promet Republike Slovenije, Kopitarjeva ulica 5, Maribor, or electronically to gp.azp@azp.si.

*See the EVN tab.

The safety authority, as the registration entity, is obliged by Article 6 of Decision (EU) 2018/1614 to ensure the accuracy of the data to be entered in the EVR, and therefore the application (the completed standard e-form for registration) must be accompanied by authentic supporting documents demonstrating the facts on the basis of which the data in the EVR is entered or amended. The latter applies in particular to the entry or modification of data relating to the owner, the keeper and the ECM (e.g. sale and purchase agreements, lease agreements).

The entry of the data in the EVR shall take place within 20 working days of receipt of the completed application. During this time, the registration entity (AŽP) registers the vehicle or requests a correction or clarification (completion of the application).

The amount of the administrative fee is determined in accordance with the Administrative Fees Act. The application fee is EUR 4.50. The fee for entering or changing data is EUR 21.60 per vehicle (where a vehicle is defined as any unit that has its own EVN number).

The decision of the safety authority may be appealed within 15 days of its notification to the second-instance authority: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Infrastructure–Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo, Langusova ulica 4, 1535 Ljubljana. There is no right of appeal against the Ministry’s decision, but an administrative dispute can be brought before the Administrative Court.


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