Javna agencija za železniški
promet Republike Slovenije

Vehicle (type) authorisation for placing
on the market (VA)

Where, prior to or during the process for vehicle authorisation for placing on the market (or a vehicle type authorisation) tests need to be carried out in order to obtain evidence on the technical compatibility of the vehicle with the network in the Republic of Slovenia, the safety authority shall issue a temporary authorisation to use the vehicle for tests on the network of the Republic of Slovenia to check the technical compatibility (the same shall also apply where, in the authorisation procedure for placing a vehicle on the market decided by ERA, the safety authority receives an application from ERA for assessment in order to verify its completeness, relevance and consistency).

The procedure for issuing a temporary authorisation for test operation is initiated:

  1. when the applicant submits an independent application for a temporary authorisation to the safety authority (AŽP); or,
  2. when it is only during the actual procedure for vehicle authorisation for placing on the market or a vehicle type authorisation that it is established that tests will have to be carried out. In this case, the authorisation procedure shall be suspended and the applicant shall be given a time limit to carry out the tests and submit the requested information. On receipt of the latter, the authorisation procedure continues, otherwise a decision is taken on the basis of the information available. (The same shall also apply where, in the authorisation procedure for placing a vehicle on the market decided by ERA, the safety authority receives an application from ERA for assessment in order to verify its completeness, relevance and consistency.)

The procedure for issuing a temporary authorisation for trial operation is governed by the administrative procedural rules as laid down in the General Administrative Procedure Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 24/06–officially consolidated text, 105/06–ZUS-1, 126/07, 65/08, 8/10, 82/13 and 175/20–ZIUOPDVE).

The decision to issue a temporary authorisation, specifying the scope and content of the trial operation, shall be taken by the safety authority no later than two months after the submission of the documentation:

  1. In the case of a first authorisation and type authorisation (for new vehicles only):
  • all EC certificates of verification already issued (intermediate certificates, certificates or declarations of conformity for components, reports of the notified body on parts of the subsystem already verified in the process), including the documentation which must contain the technical characteristics, safety devices and equipment of the vehicle,
  • a risk assessment issued by a railway undertaking with a safety certificate in the Republic of Slovenia or an infrastructure manager with a safety authorisation in the Republic of Slovenia.
  1. In the case of a new authorisation after an upgrade or renewal:
  • a description of the upgrade or renewal project,
  • all EC certificates of verification already issued for the rail vehicles (intermediate certificates, certificates or declarations of conformity for components, reports of the notified body on parts of the subsystem already verified in the process) which are the subject of upgrading or renewal,
  • a risk assessment issued by a railway undertaking with a safety certificate in the Republic of Slovenia or an infrastructure manager with a safety authorisation in the Republic of Slovenia.
  1. In the case of an extension of area of use of the vehicle:
  • an operating license issued in an EU member state or a third country,
  • proof of registration of the vehicle,
  • technical characteristics, safety devices and equipment of the vehicle,
  • operating/handling instructions,
  • a risk assessment issued by a railway undertaking with a safety certificate in the Republic of Slovenia or an infrastructure manager with a safety authorisation in the Republic of Slovenia.

Following a decision by the safety authority or a request for trial operations by ERA and after consultation with the applicant, the infrastructure manager shall carry out any tests ordered no later than three months after receipt of the applicant’s request.

A temporary authorisation to use a vehicle on the network for the purpose of trial operation shall be granted only for the purpose of trial operation and shall not allow the vehicle to be put into service for transportation of passengers, cargo or any other purpose for which it is to be placed on the market.


The amount of the administrative fee is determined in accordance with the Administrative Fees Act. The application fee is EUR 4.50. The fee for issuing a temporary authorisation is EUR 18.10 per vehicle (where a vehicle is considered to be any unit that has its own EVN number)


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