In accordance with the General Administrative Law Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia [Uradni list RS], No. 24/06–officially consolidated text, 105/06–ZUS-1, 126/07, 65/08, 8/10, 82/13 and 175/20–ZIUOPDVE), the documentation shall be submitted in the following form:
- applications / powers of attorney / various unilateral declarations by a party
shall be submitted in paper form (written or printed and signed in the handwriting of the applicant or of the principal or their legal representative) or in electronic form (signed by a secure electronic signature with a qualified certificate).
2.certificates (e.g. of qualification, examinations, declarations of conformity, various authorisations, certificates from various government bodies, insurance policies)
shall be submitted either in the original or in a certified copy of the original, or may be submitted to the administrative authority in a plain copy (photocopy or digitalised copy), in which case the party must provide the original for inspection in order to verify the identity of the copy with the original.
Documents or supporting documents drawn up in a foreign language must be submitted in a certified translation.