Javna agencija za železniški
promet Republike Slovenije

Registration of a Vehicle Keeper Marking Code

Each organisation wishing to access the EVR (European Vehicle Register) and other applications of the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) must be assigned an Organisation Code. The organisation code is assigned by ERA to all interested parties operating in the European railway system and consists of four alphanumeric characters. The organisation code is not equivalent to the RICS company codes issued by the UIC, but is entered in the Organisation Code Register (OCR).

The code can be requested via an online tool available at https://www.era.europa.eu/domains/registers/ocr_en.

The first step is to check whether an organisation has already been assigned a code at https://teleref.era.europa.eu/. If the code does not already exist, an account registration is required at this link: https://srm-portal.powerappsportals.com/RegisterPage/. Once the account has been created, a password is obtained to access the application, through which the code request can be made.


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